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Xmas Party Ready

CrossFit Bondi – BEAST

Metcon (Time)


Every 2:30

Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance + OHS: (1+2+2) x 2, (1+1+1) x 3

Power Snatch + High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch (1+1+1) x 5 working sets

Snatch Pull + Snatch High Pull + Snatch: (1+1+1) x 4 working sets

Metcon In Pairs

For time (6min cap)

150 double unders/360 single skips

50 cleans (155/105, 95/55)

35 Cal Ski

At 7min, 5min

To find 1RM Thruster

6min Rest


6 snatch (135/95, 95/55)

9 lateral burpee over bar

1min rest

5min AMRAP (Split anyway)

3 TTB (Pullup)

3 BMU (C2B)

Rest 6 min

12min AMRAP

14 Rope Climbs

20 Pistols (SA OH DB Lunge 15/10)

30 Deadlift (135/95, 95/55)

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